Monday, September 26, 2011

Hello Again!

Wow! It's been awhile! Once Summer started closing up and the new school started we've been busy, busy people! Somehow between the two we snuck in an awesome night out seeing this lady live...

Love this man!

The school year has started off wonderfully for me and I predict a great year. I've taken on more responsibilities and hit a couple of bumps along the way but we have an incredible group of students this year and they ARE the reason I teach after all :)

The girls are growing like the prettiest little weeds ever and in the past few weeks we have seen a lot of cruising, some standing on their own, lot's of waving, pointing, slapping the hand against the forehead when we say "Oh nooooo!", blowing kisses, saying "Papa," "Mama," and "Buh-bye" Lola loves to climb in and out of baskets as well as her own walker. Mila has a whopping 8 teeth and Lola is catching up. They are eating a lot more from our plates and especially enjoy spaghetti, beans, mashed potatoes, yogurt, cheerios, and cheetos. With their upcoming birthday coming up soon we thought it was important that they begin to start digging into some cupcakes for some practice.

Needless to say they really enjoyed it :)

Fall not only brings school but FOOTBALL. Around this time last year I was pregnant and we just KNEW it was a boy. My sister in law Dolores bought us a trio of Dallas Cowboys onesies and I swore they would go un-used forever. Even after we got the girls, I would look at these onesies and put them away on a several occasions. A few weeks ago I decided I wanted them to wear them, well, two of them, The other one says "Future Cowboy" and we hung it up in the girl's nursery as a little reminder of the baby we had briefly. Meanwhile we had to "sass" up the onesies we let the girls wear...

This month marks the one year anniversary of our loss. I can't believe how far we have come along but I will always love that precious little baby God granted me to carry, if even for a short time. I love how God's plan far exceeds anything we could ever imagine. I'm not the type to go on and on and on about how perfect my life is, and by no means is it perfect, but it's pretty great.

I have a husband who loves me for me. He loves me unconditionally and would have stayed with me forever, kids or no kids. Our parents are there whenever we need them and we love how they love and spoil our girls. And our girls? Wow, there are no words. People say you can never be ready for kids, I say they didn't want them as badly as we did. Our lives have been enriched in so many ways. The way they hug us, kiss us, and sparkle when they smile is all I need when I begin to stress out about the many curve balls life throws at us. My favorite moments involve just watching them sleep and play. My life is everything I wanted and more.

Yesterday was the anniversary of my grandfather's death. I remember telling him on what soon became his death bed all of the goals I had for my life, to marry a Godly man, finish college, raise Christian children, give them a good home and life, work hard and teach them about Jesus and how I had the best grandfather ever. I know my "Papa" is looking down and gleaming and I couldn't be more thankful.

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