Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring Break Part Two...A Week Late

Yeah, so this thing called soccer, competition deadlines, freelance design work, and company happened which made it impossible to get this post in, but as always it's all good because the aforementioned events are things I'm grateful for.

A decline in activity is coming soon and I'm looking for a bit more down time.

The remainder of our spring break pretty much consisted of Mila and Lola just looking plain ADORABLE.

You know they had to look fly on St Patty's

Holding hands and checking out the leprechaun socks Tia Lor bought them

In between the adorableness I was able to finish some little onesies for my babies in addition to a matching one for myself.

Oh yes, I went there.

I'm sure a day will come all to soon where the girls will refuse to match with their mommy so I'm definitely living this up!

My little owls with button eyes
A closer detail of the shirt...with Mila trying to shove her hands in her mouth
 Silly girls....
Lola playing with her blankets

So now Spring Break is over and I've focused on work more than ever. We are in the middle of our contest season and the kids are producing some great work.

As my "season" comes to a beginning, Joey's on the other hand, just came to a close tonight. We're sad the playoffs are over but at the same time we are so proud of how hard Joey works for our family and we're looking forward to having him home early now. (not to mention no more absentee daddy on Monday and Friday nights and occasional Saturday mornings) 

We sent this to daddy tonight after a disappointing loss...

They'll be his biggest fans one day 

They are a DREAM come true.
This week we were able to get some much needed SHOPPING done. I realized I hadn't bought an article of clothing for myself since we've had the girls so we set aside a portion of money just for those things. It was nice to get out of the house and put our carriers to good use.

Joey's a Bjorn guy, I prefer my Snugli
A portion of my money went to several of these conveniently being sold at Dollar Tree right now...why you say?

I know it's early (believe me I know...) but Joey and I began talking about the girls' first birthday and how we want it to be super special. Although we now called our current city home, we've decided to have their first birthday back in our hometown since the first is such a milestone we wanted the whole family to turn out. We figured buying a few things here and there will help save money in the long run so we're not scrambling to put something together in the fall. Next on the the list are lots and lots of these...

My theme? Nothing in particular...just a hybrid of bright colors, candy, and (of course) animal print (duh)

I haven't even started thinking cakes (although this one is adorable) I love the print, but desire something a bit more "baby" and not so "big girl"
In the meantime, I'll treasure the moments that fill our time before month number twelve gets here! 

Have a blessed week!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Break Part One

Whoa. It's been awhile since my last post! Spring Break is here and it has kept us busy! On top of soccer games, and doctor appointments, we have had company and guest galore as well and if that isn't a lot, I've been taking on my freelance gigs which keep me even MORE busy. I haven't had as much down time as I hoped but it's all good, the girls love the extra attention they get from their visiting family/friends, and I love being able to pull in a little more income to get things for the girls we haven't been able to. Plus, I try to utilize the little time I do get to relax with my girls and work on a few items I'm making them, pictures soon I promise.

For instance, I was loving all of the rosettes I've been spotting in other blogs and they serve quite purposeful. I've use them for brooches, headbands, and even the tiny ones work great on custom cards. Two weeks ago I decide to use them on some cute little red cardigans I bought the girls recently and wore rosettes myself to match them.

Daddy didn't wear the rosettes but I'm okay with that :)

Recently I've developed a craving for fried cheese. It's not anything I've ever cared for until recently so I tried making some myself and they turned out great! My only problem was I made too much, but it was simple and quick. I used the recipe found here.

This past Monday marked a very special day for the girls this week as they were able to see daddy coach for the first time. 

This was actually taken at a soccer game a few days before I took the girls but you get the gist.
The weather has been too cold to take them outdoors for a long soccer game but now that regular season is dwindling down the weather has warmed up. Of course they had to dress for the occasion. I ended up using the red cardigan again, sans rosettes. I made their onesies and originally desired something that really screamed soccer but cutting a soccer ball out of red and white zebra fabric just didn't read well so I opted for a star as their mascot is the Texans and used a thick blue stitch for the border.

Speaking of soccer, daddy was dying to get the girls their first soccer uniform! We were limited to only a couple of Mexican teams and the Mexico national team so we went with that. I can't wait to take them to a Mexico-USA game so they can each sport a different country.

This week we also had our four month check up! Here are the stats!

Weight: 14 lbs 0 oz
Height: 24 inches
Head Circumference: 40.64 cms

Weight: 13 lbs 8 oz
Height: 24 inches (she was a bit taller when measured but I'm thinking they rounded down)
Head Circumference: 39.37 cms

I am so taken aback when I look at these girls. They are really blossoming from tiny babies to little girls full of life. They are grabbing things, playing with their feet, babbling non stop and eating cereal and bananas like BIG girls.

My mom and sister feeding the girls cereal on a recent visit

I never take for granted the blessings God has given us. People have made comments regarding the adoption here and there saying the girls will always be thankful for what we've done for them and I although I understand what they're saying, I can't help but to think, "thankful for us? WE are the thankful ones!" 

WE needed THEM.

Our life was good before the girls but with them it has been better than we ever imagined. I find myself less consumed with trivial thoughts and people. When negativity tries it's hardest to hinder my happiness I just shut the door because these little angels have me captivated and as long as they and their father are happy and healthy, what else matters? Not a thing and I love the simplicity in that. 

Ahh. I have a few more days of relaxation and company ahead!


Saturday, March 5, 2011


I love my new Instagram app. It seems to really be taking off and I see why. The quality of photo isn't phenomenal and I see a lot of improvements they could make but it's really fun to play with. Simply take a photo in the program with your iPhone (or upload one from another source), choose your filter and choose where you would like to share it. It automatically uploads to my Flickr account and I link that to BigHugeLabs for the collage.

I'm honestly getting exhausted keeping up with all of the social networking sites..it honestly doesn't STOP. From Facebook, Flickr, CoachesWife, Twitter, Photobucket, Picasa, Blogger, Yahoo, Gmail, SnapFish and countless others, I don't have any qualms with saying I the majority of my passwords for these sites are identical.

Of course, Instagram was cool enough for me to go ahead and chalk another one up on the "another site to join" list :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Family, Friends, and Four Months

Life has been good. Not without a hurdle or two but I'm writing this from a place of peace and joy despite the plethora of feelings I've felt over the past couple of weeks. It wouldn't be life without ups and downs!

Today I had a quick visit from a former co-worker and friend who had the sweetest things to say about this blog and how much she enjoys reading about the girls and seeing their pictures.

It made me feel really good.

It's really easy to let the constant "You should do this..." or "this is better" type advice or criticism get a new mom down so hearing how great Joey and I are doing or just positive words in general is refreshing and a BLESSING, even if it's just regarding our blog because both Joey and I enjoy sharing this part of our lives with those that love and support us.

So this week we had the pleasure of some family time! The girls were able to spend time with their aunt and uncle Lor and Joel and cousins.

It so happens that we also had the pleasure of spending time with some friends of my mother from years ago. It turns out they don't live too far away which is great because it's nice to have a part of our hometown nearby.

The girls also got to meet their future BFF Anna who just turned 3 weeks! We've been waiting a long time for this and I was very excited to see Anna and momma. Of course I totally forgot to take pics of Anna and her mother would just kill me if I took pics of her without makeup! Either way, as much fun as I had catching up with my own BFF our girls were less than excited so they did a whole lot of this...

So yesterday we hit FOUR MONTHS! I can barely believe it. It has FLOWN by.

These past couple of weeks have been full of Bumbo time...

Synchronized sleeping...

Tummy time...


Of course MOST of it stayed on lips and bibs so we may wait a couple weeks and talk to our Ped at the four month appointment to see if they ready for cereal. I'm thinking it will be delayed a but longer which I'm more than okay with.

We have SEVEN more working days until Spring Break and we are looking forward to some serious down time with just our girls and our dogs. Forget vacations, I've never been so excited to spend a week in the house until we were blessed with these angels. Not only do they keep us busy, they keep us BLESSED.

Here's to hoping your blessings are just as big! And a big thank you to that special friend for making my day :)