Monday, January 31, 2011

Dear Mila, Dear Lola...

Dear Mila-Mouse,
Tonight you gave me fits. You were squirmy, you were needy, you smelled like milk but I knew a bath wouldn't be possible with daddy away at work and with your sister wide awake. You're usually calmer, laid back and peaceful. I love you either way. Sometimes I watch you simply study the world around you. I'm envious that something as simple as a ceiling fan makes you swoon. You look at the window in amazement. You smile for absolutely no reason sometimes. You have a sweet spirit, a kind soul. In your eyes I can almost see the woman you will grow up to be and it brings me to tears. I am enamored with you. I love your soft ears, big toes, and the way you "talk" to me. You bat your eyes and my heart flutters. I love you sweet Mila Susana, happy 3 months!

Dear Lola-Love,
My diva. What fun you have turned out to be! When you're not happy, you're not happy but when you are, my heart leaps. When I look into your eyes I see trouble, the good kind. The kind that's going to stir people up, the kind that will make positive changes in this world. You can look so serious, and give the coyest grin imaginable. You have a sparkle in your eye that shows me you will definitely be my little flirt, the one we'll have to keep our eyes on. You love your daddy. You look at him the way God must look at us. You have a warm soul, you are a free spirit, and you have stolen my heart. Lola Ruth, happy 3 months!


From Mommy,
You two have changed my life. I'm not quite sure how daddy and I were so happy before you came. Sometimes I just sit and cry at how wonderful I feel when you lay on my chest and simply breathe. We waited a long time for you and you came at the right time. You were the only things that could truly help me cope with the fact I should still in fact be pregnant. There is an angel baby I love an adore watching over us, but with you my heart is no longer broken. You came at the right time, and you were truly a gift from God. I hope you will always know that you were fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. May you never feel less then vital to this world, and our lives. I want to be an incredible mother for you two. I want to share everything I can offer you. I will work my fingers to the bone to provide the things you need in life, and I know your father will too. I don't want to ever disappoint you, and I want you to know if I do, it's only because I must have been trying too hard. There is so much I want to say, but it'll all come out in time. I love you so much, more than you will ever truly know.

To My Angel Baby,
I tried, I tried to write you a letter and in my heart it's there. It will come soon, right now it's still too hard. Just know I love you, I miss you more than anyone could imagine and I know my little bird that flew away is watching over me and your sisters. Mama loves you too little one, and one day soon I can express how much.

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